Bethel Holiness Church

LaBelle, FL

In Isaiah 43:2 the Lord is speaking to His chosen people. They are to embark on a journey. After experiencing the Joy of Freedom they get to travel to a better land. It won't be a short trip, no, not at all, but they will get there if they prepare themselves properly for this journey. At some point the weary travelers will find themselves facing another obstacle. They will be standing in front of deep waters, a big river. They are not alone. They face this as a family. What are we facing in 2022? God knows. It's not a question as to if we will face something else unpleasant in 2022, but when. Knowing this, let's prepare ourselves and families. We can do this by getting them and ourselves the help we need to get prepared. This help is available in the prayer closets, during personal Bible studies and at our Church (local assembly where the Saints of God have come together). 

   It pays to be ready to cross those deep waters. May each one get rid of the weights and sin that would cause us to go down and drown. Keep life simple in 2022. Travel light, cut the excess. We all have a tendency to carry too much. We will need to swim. The waters are deep. There is no bottom. The current is strong and swift. Each one is tired of the Pandemic. The Promise Land is ahead, but don't let things pull you under. Life can swallow us alive, IF we allow it. The Lord knows what lies ahead of us and He will be with is every step and stroke of the way. We will not be destroyed. If we are ready for rivers of difficulty we will have no problem getting to the other side. When we do, our feet won't be wet.

God Bless,

Pastor Jeremy Howell






